One of the most well known fads is that of the cutting down on calories will allow you to lose weight faster. This has in fact been proven to have a potentially negative effect on the metabolism rate, which may result in the rate slowing down, due to the fact that the body believes that it is being starved and must therefore compensate to negate this perceived starving.

Eating late at night will contribute to excess weight, is a widely believed weight loss motivator. This however has been challenged by numerous researchers, in particular one school of thought states that going to bed hungry, deprives one from having a good nights sleep. The theory states it really does not matter what time of day you eat, but rather the amount of exercise that you are getting.

The weight loss theory of eating between meals, being forbidden, has been disproved by the concept of smaller and more frequent meals. This basically implies that the weight loss conscious should rather consider utilizing the healthy weight loss products and snacks for in between main meal times when they are hungry and slowly cut back on the amount that is consumed during these meal times. Whilst the dieter is implementing this strategy the best route to go is to allocate a wider variety of foods and consider more fiber rich foods for the more fuller feeling. Fiber rich foods and weight loss products consist of items such as bran, whole wheat, mixed vegetables and so forth.

The issue of avoiding fat has also come under fire due to the existence of those fats that are actually good for the body, such as the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fats have essential roles in the prevention of disease as well as body cell growth and skin health. Therefore by cutting out fats completely you run the risk of depleting your body from these fats that are needed by the body to prevent disease and encourage normal growth.

Skipping meals is one of the worst favors that you can actually do yourself, as this, once again, deprives your body of much need vitamins, minerals and essentially the nutrients that it requires to function correctly. Many people on their newly found weight loss programs try and starve themselves and eventually lose the focus of their diet plans, mostly due to the fact that the fads do not work.

An approach of sensibility, exercise and nutrition should be taken when you want to diet or embark upon a weight loss program, bearing in mind that your body is a living 'organism' that requires nutrition, exercise and a balanced approach to losing weight.

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