It is true that the world population increasing dynamically at the rate of 20% a year. 30% of our adolescent population is already believed to be obese as of today. Almost every sensible-thinking human around the world considers obesity to be a huge risk to world health.

Roche pharmaceuticals, manufactures of a new weight loss pill, has launched their product in the market. Since hitting the market, these pills have gained popularity in short period of time. We know these tablets by the name of XENICAL. Xenical weight loss pills are an effective and safe obesity treatment. It is ingested orally after eating food that contains a certain percentage of fat.

After assimilating the above mentioned information our first question would be:
How does Xenical work?

Xenical slimming pill is recommended for use in people who are obese with a (BMI>=30) or overweight with a (BMI>=27) with other risk factors.

The drug Xenical belongs to a group of medicines called lipase inhibitors. These medicine works by targeting the absorption of nutritional fat in the body rather than suppressing the desire to eat. Dietary fats are made up of large molecules that need to be broken down before they can be absorbed into the body for use. Because of its unique molecular structure, Xenical binds itself to the active site of GI lipase and effectively blocks that enzyme’s activity. Lipase plays an important role in the digestion of dietary fat. This mechanism of action – that is unique to Xenical – allows about 30% of the ingested fat from the food to pass through the gut undigested. Consequently, the body cannot store this calorie overload as fatty tissue or use it as a source of energy while in the body. This Xenical action helps minimize fat storage, increase the burning down of stored fat, consistently bring down weight and also preserve optimum weight.

Additionally, it minimizes any weight regain if all weight loss parameters are maintained at a steady pace.

Xenical contains ORLISTAT as it active ingredient. Every Xenical tablet contains 120mg of ORLISTAT.

Xenical must be taken exactly as the doctor or the pharmacist has prescribed it for you. The suggested dose of XENCIAL for adults over 18 years of age is one 120 mg tablet taken three times daily. However, if you feel that your diet is fat-free, you can avoid taking the tablet; it works only on fatty foods.

How taken: You must swallow one whole capsule with a full glass of water. These capsules must not be broken or chewed. It is preferable to take XENICAL with a diet that is devoid of fat but is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that can be got from fruits and vegetables. In addition, it should contain an average of 30% of calories from fat. For best results with Xenical, it is best to avoid fat-laden foods like chocolates, snacks and biscuits.

It is recommended that 1 Xenical tablet be taken with each of the 3 main meals of the day. This means you have to take one tablet each at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Moreover, you must continue taking XENCIAL for long as your pharmacist or doctor has prescribed it for you. Weight loss can normally be seen within 2 weeks and the treatment must be continued for 6-12 months for optimum results. While you are on Xenical it will help maintain your most favorable weight as well as help prevent weight gain.

Xenical also has its fair share of side effects: Before continuing to take Xenical you should have an idea about some of its side effects. Survey conducted amongst Xenical users, found that about 1-2 % of people suffer from Xenical side effects. Because this is a prescription medication, it is essential that you undergo a thorough medical consultation before starting the use of this drug. Some of the visible side effects of Xenical are:
• Increased flatulence with or without discharge
• Abdominal pain
• Urgent need to use the toilet
• Oily, fatty or liquid stools
• Nausea
• Dyspepsia
• Headache
• Asthenia

Normally most of these symptoms disappear with time; the treatment must be continued and one must stick to the recommended diet. If the side effects tend to become bothersome then you must inform your doctor. A prescription medicine, Xenical must never be taken without proper recommendation.